Co-author: Andrew Pearce
It was an opportunity that even the insular General Franco could not turn down. Despite over two decades…
Paul Whitelock has had dealings with all three Spanish police forces over the years. Here is his assessment of their relative strengths and…
Federico García Lorca was a poet, dramatist and musician. He was also a homosexual at a time when it was illegal to be so.
When Juan Carlos succeeded Francisco Franco as Head of State on the Generalissimo’s death in November 1975 the King played a major role in…
As we move into 2021 after the most awful year, dominated as it was by the Coronavirus pandemic, what was going on in 2011? Paul Whitelock…
On November 20 it was the 45th anniversary of the death of Spanish dictator General Franco. Paul Whitelock…
Don’t forget to change your clocks this weekend and enjoy an extra hour in bed on Sunday morning!
In Spain you should turn…