Paul Whitelock’s domestic water is supplied from a well. For a good while now his well has not been well. For no discernible reason the…
About Paul Whitelock
Paul Whitelock is a retired former languages teacher, school inspector and translator, who emigrated to the Serranía de Ronda in 2008, where he lives with his second wife, Rita. He spends his time between Montejaque and Ronda doing DIY, gardening and writing.
Like most languages, Spanish makes wide use of acronyms and abbreviations. Here Paul Whitelock casts his eye
Paul Whitelock has already written about the things he likes about living in Spain (
Paul Whitelock likes to dabble in cooking when he is de Rodríguez…
Paul Whitelock looks back to the day in 2009 when he met three Jamies, one of them the celebrity TV chef Jamie Oliver, who was filming…
Have you ever noticed that whenever you ask for something in a Spanish bar, restaurant or shop, the barman, waiter or shopkeeper invariably…
Paul Whitelock was a languages teacher, a school inspector and a translator and interpreter. Since retirement 15 years ago he has also dabbled…
The title of this blog, Spanish Matters, neatly encapsulates its purpose. …
It’s amazing what you can get for nothing. You just need to keep your eyes open, writes Paul Whitelock.
You can get a lot…
In nostalgic mood Paul Whitelock recalls the day, back in January 2010, when the village square in Montejaque was overrun with old cars…
Paul Whitelock remains fascinated by language and its origins and the way it links together and develops. Lately he’s been wondering about the…
What a hectic three days the end of October and the beginning of November are here in Spain. A semi-pagan festival, Halloween, followed by two Roman…
Paul Whitelock has recently gone back to school at the ripe old age of 70. Having left school over 50 years ago on completing his A-Levels, he…
When Paul Whitelock went for a walk with his dog in the countryside above Montejaque, he came across a group of people hitting a tree with long sticks.…
Paul Whitelock is in nostalgic mood. He’s been sorting out his stuff recently and came across a photo dating back to September 2008. It was a photo of…