On May 15 Spain’s Ministry of Health published Order SND / 413/2020, establishing special measures for the technical inspection of vehicles (ITV). It establishes a moratorium for vehicles whose inspections have expired during the COVID-19 crisis period and which extends the expiration of the ITV depending on the week of the alarm state in which the inspection ceases to be in force.
If we consider that the state of alarm has been extended until June 7, these inspections would be valid until the date contemplated in the following table:
Week during the alarm state in which the inspection expired | New date |
Del 14 al 20 marzo | 22/07/20 (*) |
Del 21 al 27 marzo | 06/08/20 (*) |
Del 28 marzo al 3 abril | 21/08/20 (*) |
Del 4 al 10 abril | 05/09/20 (*) |
Del 11 al 17 abril | 20/09/20 (*) |
Del 18 al 24 abril | 05/10/20 (*) |
Del 25 abril al 1 mayo | 20/10/20 (*) |
Del 2 al 8 mayo | 04/11/20 (*) |
Del 9 al 15 mayo | 19/11/20 (*) |
Del 16 al 22 de mayo | 04/12/20 (*) |
Del 23 al 29 de mayo | 19/12/20 (*) |
Del 30 de mayo al 5 de junio | 03/01/21 (*) |
6 y 7 de junio | 18/01/21 (*) |
(*) If the extension of the alarm status is extended again, this date will be modified according to the end date of the new extension
These periods are applicable to the ITV of all vehicles, except that of agricultural vehicles intended for work in the countryside, whose extension will last until November 10, 2020.
In Andalucia, if you have already booked your appointment and want to modify or cancel it you can do so by calling 959 99 99 99 or via the www.itvcita.com website.