The vice president of the Junta de Andalucia and Minister of Tourism, Regeneration, Justice and Local Administration, Juan Marín, reported this afternoon on the decisions taken by the regional government’s crisis cabinet to help combat the spread of the coronavirus in the community. In his speech, Marín has reiterated that the Executive’s priority is “to stop contagion with all the means at our disposal and to attend to all infected people.”
He also stressed that it is vitally important “to work quickly and efficiently to control and foresee the economic effects of this situation”. Marín has considered that measures in this matter should be channelled to avoid the disappearance of companies, guaranteeing their access to liquidity, limiting layoffs of workers, supporting companies and self-employed individuals.
“It is our obligation to be one step ahead of what is happening. And that is why we believe it is essential to take measures that cauterize economic bleeding and help the self-employed, businessmen and families to cope with this situation and to plan a complicated but not impossible future”, Marín has stated.
Next, the vice president has listed the economic proposals that the Andalucian body has forwarded to Spain’s national government in the hope they can be adopted urgently:
In the press conference after the Crisis Cabinet, the Minister of Health and Families, Jesús Aguirre, also appeared, who wanted to thank “very warmly the altruistic offer of technology companies, foundations, hospitality, professional schools, organisations, unions, and employers, among many others, to respond to the needs of the population derived from the epidemic.”
Aguirre has also outlined the new measures that his department is going to implement as of today: