COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS CRISIS SPAIN: Junta de Andalucia injects €50million of urgent aid for self-employed in region

COVID-19 CORONAVIRUS CRISIS SPAIN: Junta de Andalucia injects €50million of urgent aid for self-employed in region

The Junta de Andalucia’s Governing Council has approved the decree law on complementary urgent measures in the economic and social sphere as a consequence of the situation caused by the coronavirus, which includes among its initiatives the implementation of a €300 grant for self-employed workers (autonomos).

These subsidies, which have a total budget of €50 million, aim to cover the expenses that the group continues to face, such as Social Security fees, despite the obvious decrease in their income.

Likewise, the measure aims to complement those that have already been adopted at the national level and reach part of the group that is not benefiting from some of them, such as an extraordinary benefit for the cessation of activity.

Due to the urgent nature of the measure, the decree-law establishes that the processing, which can only be carried out electronically, will be carried out with a simplified and quick procedure, so that, in a first phase, the self-employed person only has to present an online application and you can collect the aid in the shortest possible time, to meet the most immediate expenses.


Regarding the deadlines, potential beneficiaries may process their application from the day following the publication of the decree-law in the Official Gazette of the Andalucian Government (BOJA) and up to fifteen days after the state of alarm is declared ended or until the budget has run out.

To complete the request, simply fill out the electronic form, which includes a declaration of responsibility for compliance with the requirements; the DNI-NIF; tax residence; enumeration in Andalusia; registration in the special Social Security system or in its alternative mutual insurance; not be a beneficiary of the extraordinary benefit for cessation of activity; bank account number so that the income tax declaration and help can be received for those applicants who were registered in that fiscal year.


To be a beneficiary of the aid, the decree-law establishes as a requirement to be a self-employed or self-employed worker with fiscal domicile in Andalucia, and to be affiliated to the special Social Security regime for self-employed workers, or in the corresponding mutual society, on the effective date of the alarm state.

Those self-employed who have availed themselves of the extraordinary benefit for the cessation of activity approved by the Government in the Royal Decree Law of March 29, those self-employed or mutual workers whose activity is considered an essential service are excluded from the aid. and those self-employed who have a general taxable and savings base in their income tax return that exceeds three times the Minimum Interprofessional Salary (about €39,900 per year).

However, within the essential services, self-employed workers who carry out different activities have been included as potential beneficiaries. Specifically, up to 99 types of professions of very diverse nature and sector have been established, including health professionals (such as dentists, physiotherapists, speech therapists); artisans (manufacture of paper, wood products, glass, iron, musical instruments); freelance veterinary centres or clinics; optical and orthopaedic products; press and stationery; dry cleaners; photography; textile and clothing; electronic components; people transport services; lawyers; solicitors; interpreters; psychologists; professionals in the cut flower sector; telecommunications related activities; cheese manufacturers or social services without accommodation for the elderly and disabled, among others.

Social dialogue

The Ministry of Employment, Training and Autonomous Work, which has analyzed with the self-employed organizations the preparation of the decree law, has decided to include self-employed workers in these activities due to the significant decrease in income they are suffering despite developing essential services, and they include the proposals made by economic and social agents.

Finally, it has also been included as beneficiaries the worker members of associated work cooperatives who have chosen to fit into the Special Regime of Social Security for Self-Employed or Self-Employed Workers.

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